Amongst the pile of FREE goodies, potato-shaped salt & pepper shakers, a glass with a rock in it with the slogan "You said you wanted your whiskey on the ROCKS", 2 cute stuffed frogs and a really neat statue.
There were books too. I took the one titled "Dreams : Unlock the Secrets of your Subconscious" and learned that dreams about frogs signify "times when you suspect someone is not to be trusted, that you are being secretly persecuted, unfairly judged, misunderstood or excluded."
Whereas dreams about unfamiliar food "suggests you feel uncomfortable with your colleagues and acquaintances."
There were books too. I took the one titled "Dreams : Unlock the Secrets of your Subconscious" and learned that dreams about frogs signify "times when you suspect someone is not to be trusted, that you are being secretly persecuted, unfairly judged, misunderstood or excluded."
Whereas dreams about unfamiliar food "suggests you feel uncomfortable with your colleagues and acquaintances."