Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014

Amongst the pile of FREE goodies, potato-shaped salt & pepper shakers, a glass with a rock in it with the slogan "You said you wanted your whiskey on the ROCKS", 2 cute stuffed frogs and a really neat statue.

There were books too. I took the one titled "Dreams : Unlock the Secrets of your Subconscious" and learned that dreams about frogs signify "times when you suspect someone is not to be trusted, that you are being secretly persecuted, unfairly judged, misunderstood or excluded."
Whereas dreams about unfamiliar food "suggests you feel uncomfortable with your colleagues and acquaintances."


  1. So it was all left there with the "Free" sign?

    1. Yup. At least the Free sign doesn't make it look like it was forgotten or abandoned. Someone will cherish these things again someday I bet.

    2. 'cause, I mean, who DOESN'T need a pair of silly plush frogs? :)

    3. I'm gonna pretend like it all belongs to someone who still lives there and wanted to "clear things out" before the New Year. 2015 will be less spiritualistic and more "angel statue-free", I see.

    4. Yup, sometimes the angel statue just has to go. I totally get that. But to get rid of two sweet little froggies who didn't do anything to anyone is just plain cruel. Why do froggies need to be cleared out? Why? I ask you, why? Why?

    5. Next time you're at a yard sale or flea market, make a game out of noting all the frog plushies you see. lol

    6. That's so sad. They bought the froggies. They should take responsibility for them. Sad.

    7. Today I can say with a lump in my throat the sometimes you just have to leave something behind. Sometimes you do it because keeping it is getting too nerve-wracking but sometimes you leave something behind so you can come back.

    8. I get that. It's hard leaving things behind but in the end it lightens the load. As for coming back.....I've done that and it's actually worked out pretty well. Distance I guess.

  2. Blogger needs a Like button dammit. Oh crap, I'm a "Like-aholic"....

  3. I guess it could be worse. You could be a duck-aholic or a spider-aholic or a vomit-aholic. All those things are really bad. Well, I guess ducks aren't so bad but they hiss. No...wait...I'm not going to pretend to like ducks. I don't!!

    1. This is the guy that replaced the "U" with an "I" in your comment, irreversibly destroying any content and making it a dirty joke. I am truly sorry. I don't know why my brain works this way either.

  4. Bwahahahah! But officially I'm offended.

  5. Replies
    1. Me thinks this blog has been left behind.

    2. It would be fitting if it was but I come back to this every now and then :)
